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Paper Machine Clothing Cleaning

Release date:[5/22/2014]     Hit Count::[]   

The performance of the paper machine clothing is critical, such as the fabrics in the forming, press and dryer is determining the financial competitiveness of a machine operation.Because it impacts paper making machine efficiency, energy usage and the quality of the finished sheet. 

Contaminants interfere with the paper machine operation of these units,it can reducing the ability of the polyester paper making fabrics to handle water in a consistent, uniform and effective manner.In other sides, by causing sheet breaks the contaminants maybe due to build-up on rolls and vacuum elements. Paper making machines that use recycled polyester fiber are more susceptible to these issues, but this situation can also occur in virgin furnishes from pitch, starch and coating materials such as latex.

In order to removal of paper machine contaminants on the polyester mesh fabrics, when the deposit load exceeds the system capacity to purge on its own, the application of mechanical action, high temperature water and the correct chemical cleaning agent will yield the optimum result, especially when these factors are combined. 

Thus,polyester mesh fabric properties and performance can be maintained over the clothing lifetime for paper making machine. This integrated approach effectively prevents and removes contaminants from the paper making fabrics and paper machine surfaces in a safe and effective manner during production.

Coco Qin
Sales Department
Hebei Defeng Polyester Fiber Co., Ltd
Add: Wugong Town West Raoyang County Hebei Province China
TEL: 0086-311-67699480
FAX: 0086-311-67699480

Tag:paper machine clothing,polyester paper making fabrics,polyester mesh fabrics,paper making fabrics